There's been a lot of new news floating around in my circle of friends lately. New babies, new engagements, new jobs, etc. Most of these people I've known from college, so about four or five or even six years. It is crazy to think back on where we all were at that time and how we thought about the future.... which is now the very real reality.
Today I also sorted through my old messages folder of my email account. Ladies and gents, we are talking 1500 emails from over the past four years. Obviously, I don't get around to email "folder maintenance" very often. Piddling emails, emails from people I am not in touch with anymore, significant "Surprise! I like you!" emails, painful miscommunication emails, "please forgive me" emails, emails with pictures attached, emails that made me smile, emails from friends being supportive and loving, emails from a friend no longer living, and emails from friends who have been hurt. It was like looking at myself of four years ago in quick freeze frames--who I was to those around me, what I was concerned with, what my life was made of. It was difficult, actually, to delete even the most minor emails; it was hard to shake the feeling that I was losing those parts of my past. Its kind of silly, though, because I am an avid journaler and literally keep every letter and card ever sent to me snail mail... so I have plenty of other avenues for returning to the college and post-college me. There's something about the emails, though-- how I have communicated new changes in my life with others and they have shared their news with me... how significant dates and events are reflected through dozens of seperate dialogues.
so... any one else got new news??? if so, send me an email-- I promise I'll keep it for the next four years.
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